Creekside Shotokan Karate

About Us

"The ultimate aim of karate lies not in victory or defeat, but in the perfection of the characters of its participants. "
Gichin Funakoshi

The Creekside Shotokan Karate Dojo teaches Shotokan Karate, a traditional Japanese martial art. 

The word "karate" is a combination of two Japanese characters: kara, meaning "empty," and te, meaning "hand;" thus, karate means empty hand. Adding the suffix  do (pronounced "doe"), meaning "way," i.e., karate-do, implies karate as a total way of life that goes well beyond the self-defence applications. In traditional karate-do, we always keep in mind that the true opponent is oneself.

Karate can be described as a weaponless martial art or fighting method, involving a variety of techniques, such as blocks, strikes, evasions, throws, and joint manipulations. Karate practice is divided into three aspects: kihon (basics), kata (forms), and kumite (sparring).

Shotokan karate was initially founded by Master Gichin Funakoshi. He said that "mind and technique become one in true karate." We strive to make our physical techniques pure expressions of our mind's intention, and to improve our mind's focus by understanding the essence of the physical techniques. By polishing our karate practice we are polishing our own spirit or our own mentality. For example, eliminating weak and indecisive movements in our karate helps to eliminate weakness and indecision in our minds--and vice versa.

It is in this sense that karate becomes a way of life, as we try to become very strong but happy and peaceful people.

One of Master Funakoshi's last students was Mr. Tsutomu Ohshima, who is currently the chief instructor or shihan of Canada Shotokan Karate and many affiliated groups around the world.  Mr. Ohshima has said that "We must be strong enough to express our true minds to any opponent, anytime, in any circumstance. We must be calm enough to express ourselves humbly."

 Mr. Tsutomu Ohshima

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